What to vaccinate your cat for.
Cat Diseases
Core Vaccines:
Feline Viral Rhinothracheitis (“Cat Flu”)
Feline herpesvirus causes upper respiratory-tract infections in cats. The virus is widespread and easily transmitted. Symptoms are flu-like such as fever, loss of appetite, discharge from the eyes and nose, sneezing or coughing, and range from mild to severe. A high percentage of cats that recover from the disease will remain life-long carriers of the virus. These carrier cats can intermittently shed the virus and have flare-ups of symptoms, especially in periods with stress.
Feline Calicivirus
This virus is the other main virus that causes upper respiratory-tract infections (“cat flu”) in cats. Like the feline herpesvirus this virus is also widespread and easily transmitted.
Feline Panleukopenia
This disease is sometimes called feline infectious enteritis or feline distemper. It is a viral disease that causes fever, severe vomiting and diarrhoea. The disease can be fatal, especially in younger cats. The virus can survive for long times in the environment, and the disease is highly contagious. Thanks to vaccination, this disease is now uncommon.
Non-Core Vaccines:
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
Feline immunodeficiency virus can lead to feline AIDS, a potentially fatal disease that interferes with the cat’s immune system. The virus is spread primarily through bite wounds.
Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
This virus can cause a variety of severe conditions in cats, including cancer, anaemia, and suppression of the immune system. The virus is transmitted between cats through bite wounds, mutual grooming, and (though rarely) shared use of feeding dishes and litter boxes. Kittens are more susceptible to infection than adult cats.
Feline Chlamydiosis
This is a bacterial disease that can cause conjunctivitis and respiratory disease. It is mostly seen in multi-cat environments, and kittens are most susceptible.
For cats vaccinations are required annually to protect them from cat ‘flu’. In some cases a cat vaccination may be required only every third year. Simply ask your local Vet for advice - they can also help with flea treatments, worming and more.