What vaccinations do I need to board my dog?- Easy to understand information.
Core Vaccination
Often referred to as the "Parvo" vaccination, the core vaccination has many brand name, Nobivac DHPPI, Nobivac DHP, Vanguard Plus5 are the most recognised names but there are a few more.
The core vaccine provides protection against all of the following diseases:
- Distemper (Canine Distemper Virus)
This viral disease is a worldwide problem that fortunately is now only sporadic in New Zealand, due to ongoing vaccination. It most often leads to signs of fever, lethargy, neurological problems, seizures, lung problems and frequently death. Treatment for the disease is difficult, with our main option being only to provide supportive care.
- Parvovirus (Parvo)
“Parvo” is still an ongoing issue in Taranaki (and the rest of New Zealand), due to the extremely strong survival of the virus in the environment, lasting up to several months or even years in the right conditions. The disease normally presents with the dog having bloody vomiting and/or diarrhoea, reluctance to eat, dehydration, lethargy and often death. Chances of recovery are worst in young or immune-suppressed dogs.
- Infectious Hepatitis
Caused by Canine Adenovirus, this disease is also very contagious and leads to fevers, liver disease, reluctance to eat, neurological signs and often death. Still present worldwide, Infectious Hepatitis is no longer common in New Zealand with good compliance to vaccination.
The core vaccination is boosted 12months after the initial vaccination program and then every 3 years from then on.
Canine Cough/Kennel Cough
The core vaccine provides protection against all of the following:
Traditionally known as “Kennel Cough”, the name “Canine Cough” has been used in recent years to highlight that dogs may pick up and pass on the disease in every-day life, with normal social interaction between dogs.
Canine Cough can have characteristics of a dry, harsh cough. Frequent retching/gagging up white frothy saliva also occurs, with coughing usually lasting for 2-3weeks.
Most dogs recover without treatment, but young, old or immune-suppressed dogs can go on to develop bronchopneumonia and become very unwell.
No vaccines are 100% protective but the intranasal vaccine tends to work faster and more effectively, aiming to reduce the incidence and severity of disease.
Vaccination is completed either with a single “squirt” of liquid up the nose, or by an injection.
Protection lasts for 12 months and then should be repeated annually.